Laughter is the shortest distance between two people. – Victor Borge

Final Performance 

I decided to used Audio Visual to accompany my final composition.
Whilst i am interested in attempting to perform something like Lolatron live i was particularly interested in how laughter is often refereed to as contagious and seeing other people laugh often makes someone else laugh. So i decided to use AV and attempt to make it as interactive as possible.
I filmed many different peoples features (left eye, right eye, nose and mouth) whilst they were laughing. I then made a separate video for each feature using quick cuts, slow mo, sped up vid. I steered away from effects as i felt it wouldn’t work well for this piece and give it a tacky feel.

I then used Max MSP to cut up my screen into 12 different sections. In the top 3 i played back live footage of the audience watching the video/themselves laughing. I used a selected few of the remaining 9 screens to make a face shape using the vids of different features that i had made.


I got the reaction i wanted to receive from the performance, to make others laugh. A mixture of the song, vids and live feed helped to make the audience laugh either at what was on screen, themselves or what they were hearing.
Theres a lot of potential with this project and i hope to take it further after all laughter is the best medicine!

Laughter is the shortest distance between two people. – Victor Borge

Final Performance 

I decided to used Audio Visual to accompany my final composition.
Whilst i am interested in attempting to perform something like Lolatron live i was particularly interested in how laughter is often refereed to as contagious and seeing other people laugh often makes someone else laugh. So i decided to use AV and attempt to make it as interactive as possible.
I filmed many different peoples features (left eye, right eye, nose and mouth) whilst they were laughing. I then made a separate video for each feature using quick cuts, slow mo, sped up vid. I steered away from effects as i felt it wouldn’t work well for this piece and give it a tacky feel.

I then used Max MSP to cut up my screen into 12 different sections. In the top 3 i played back live footage of the audience watching the video/themselves laughing. I used a selected few of the remaining 9 screens to make a face shape using the vids of different features that i had made.


I got the reaction i wanted to receive from the performance, to make others laugh. A mixture of the song, vids and live feed helped to make the audience laugh either at what was on screen, themselves or what they were hearing.
Theres a lot of potential with this project and i hope to take it further after all laughter is the best medicine!

At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities. ~Jean Houston

Laughter is the best medicine
So at the end of the process we had to set to work on putting together a final piece.
I decided to go along the beat concrete path as i enjoyed making everyday sounds into something else.
I also wanted to touch upon how sounds and music can be used therapeutically as this was something my interest was really growing in.
I began with the idea of creating 2 songs, one made from laughter the other from crying, and making the crying sounds sound happy and vice versa. However a initial problem came about, i wanted to use recordings i had collected from different people, you cant really go up to people and ask them to cry for you on the spot and then ask them if you can record it…
So i went decided to have 1 focus…. laughter.
My aim was to collect as many recordings of different peoples laughter as possible and create a from those samples beats and melody’s.
Again i recorded the samples using Pro Tools and a Mbox and then mixed my tracks in Logic. After many many many hours of tweeking and many sleepless nights having laughter blared into my ears this was the end product:
Enter: Lolatron