Imagine- How Music Makes us Feel- BBC documentary review

I have just finished watching the new imagine documentary, How Music Makes us Feel, and it was very interesting, a good watch for anyone not just for musicians. Below is a short review of the key points I got from the documentary.

Music is a human way of imitating nature.

We are immersed in music from the moment we are born, in fact even before we are born we hear the rhythm of our mothers heart beat and outside noise through the womb.

Music has a power, connection and captivation which is unexplainable.


An experiment is carried out in which infants are placed in a room with a parent, the parent is wearing headphones so they can not hear the sound within the room and can not influence the infant. The infant is then played music, it was incredible to watch their reactions, with out any influence what so ever all the infants would move the bodys as if dancing and appear happier. Much like the video below:


Physically feeling music – sub bass – can be very moving and create a trance like state.

Music can create a space in which you can forget your worries.


Music and Religion

Music is used to reach God, to get higher then you can with pray.

Music is very powerful at funerals a vicar commented how she often sees people begin to cry when the music/ choir begins, as if music can release their emotions. People often cant sing at funerals because of the shear emotion they are feeling.

Jazz Funeral


Communal singing

Theres something extremely powerful about singing with people.




Football Chants


Flash Mobs

A survey was carried out asking what makes a piece of music into a piece of art?

The two most popular answers:

Emotional Arousement and expression


If you are out with friends having fun and a song is playing the background you will automatically relate that song with having fun and when you hear it again you may feel those same sort of emotions.


Music and Advertising

Advertising using well known songs which people know and love subconsciously feel emotions related to these songs.



radio designed for shopping centres to encourage people to shop.


sound generates emotions and emotions generate behaviour.


Classical music was played as train stations and reduced crime by 30%.


Fast food chains have played classical music late at night when they are closing and it has reduced crime rate.


Music and Health



Music is associated with memories –  it can bring people back.

We learn how to be humans through music so its one of the last things which we forget.


Watch it now, click here.

Dissertation Overview

Rough idea of Question:

How is Music Technology being utilized within music therapy? : Past, present and future outlooks.


Current/future readings:


Computer Models of Musical Creativity

Handmade Electronic Music

Composing Music with computers

Disability and contemporary performance

Practical electronic music projects



Brain-Computer Music Interface for Generative Music

Music Learning and New Media in Virtual and Online Environments

New Digital Musical Instruments:Control and Interaction Beyond the Keyboard

Application of Computer-Aided Music Composition in Music Therapy

A Survey of Computer Systems for Expressive Music Performance

Embodied musical gesture as a game controller


Living Sound: human interaction and children with autism


Need to see if I can get ordered in from the library:

Music technology for music therapists: Practical tips for getting started.

Designing digital success in music therapy and education


I am planning on remaining with the same subject which I studied for my literature review, Music Technology within Music Therapy. I would like to look into the area further and in much more detail.

Some of the conclusions which I drew from my literature review were that there is a definite lack of literature upon the subject of Music technology within Music therapy, this is mainly due to there being a lack of technology for the area. What I found was that a lot of the information on what technology is available in the area can be found through online sources meaning I will need to expand my resources online.

The main areas I covered in my review were: History of Music therapy, Music technology available in the area of music therapy, benefits and disadvantages of technology and conclusions. What I would like to look into more is the study of music therapy, so what technology is being taught to music therapy students. I would also like to look into technology which is currently not being used within music therapy but which may be able to be adapted and used in the area. I would also like to look in what the future may hold for music technology within music therapy.

I have found other literature which I can look into (listed above) I am also going to look into accessing books upon music technology in music therapy which can not be purchased and are not accessible through our library as I feel I will benefit from reading them. I have also found a forum for music technology in music therapy in which music therapists discuss the area, I have already found mainly helpful sources and plan to write a message on the forum explaining my dissertation and asking for recommended resources.